Site Archived

This site is no longer active, but is kept as an archive of past cycle campaigning efforts.


The Worthing Revolutions group aims to make the Worthing area a safer place for cycling and to encourage cycling for transport and recreation.


We meet semi-formally on a monthly basis, at 7:30pm at the Beechwood Hotel in Worthing, every second Wednesday of the month. Some of us also attend the quarterly West Sussex Worthing Cycle Forum meetings, to talk about cycling issues with the relevant councils.

Recent Meetings


Pedal the Prom a Great Success!

Submitted by Fonant on Mon, 2011-06-27 16:59
The Pedal the Prom event for Bike week went off very well. We met at Splash Point, and had several photos taken by the Herald’s photographer before setting off gently along the Prom.

Although we were a spread-out group of perhaps 40 to 50 cyclists, there were no problems with the other cyclists and pedestrians on the Prom.

Become a Bicycle Ride Leader

Submitted by Fonant on Fri, 2011-05-13 14:52
Worthing and Adur councils are offering a Ride Leader Award course for people who would be prepared to help set up one or two recreational cycling groups for adults who are returning to cycling in the Adur and Worthing area.

The cost of the course is £24 plus an agreement to provide 20 hours of voluntary time.

West Sussex Cycling Officer abolished

Submitted by Fonant on Wed, 2011-03-02 15:49
Sadly WSCC have decided to axe their one and only Cycling Officer post.

Extremely positive debate on Cycling in Parliament!

Submitted by Fonant on Tue, 2011-01-25 17:25
This debate in parliament on 21 January makes very good reading for everyone who would like to see cycling given the transport status it deserves:…

The city of Utrecht fixes road mistakes

Submitted by Fonant on Wed, 2010-11-10 10:39
In the 1970s Utrecht City Council started replacing canals in the city with huge urban dual carriageways with multi-level junctions. Some was built, but local protests stopped the full ring road being built.

Now the urban dual carriageway is being removed, and the canals re-dug.

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